Now blogging will make huge money! Know what's the prescription ...

Tips for Making Money With Blogging

Blogging is a great way to share your thoughts and passion about any topic. Incidentally, this is also an amazing way to make money online. There is a common belief in some countries and region that bloggers can not earn enough through online blogging. This is not true. There are many bloggers who are earning millions from blogging. So if you have a blog and have not started earning money so far, now it's time to work on it!
Tips for Making Money With Blogging

Here I am explaining the five evergreen prescriptions to earn money from a blog:

1. Advertising Network

Advertising Network
This is the easiest way to make money; This will be a good initial effort for those who make the money to make their blog money. Therefore, this is the most commonly used method of making money for blogs. This method is widely used all over the world.

How it works:
You show an advertisement on your blog - When your viewers click on these ads, you get commission from the advertiser.

How to apply it to your blog:

  1. Select the ad network you want to work with. Adsense (owned by Google) is among the most preferred networks among bloggers and advertisers. There are also other options like bidvertiser, infolinks etc.
  2. By applying on the Ad Network of your choice you will become a publisher. While applying, you have to give detailed information about the payment (information about the account where you want to get the commission amount), among other things, so keep these things ready when you apply.
  3. Once your application is accepted, the Ad Network will send you a confirmation email.
  4. Once confirmed, you will be given the code that you have to put on your blog - where you want to show these ads, it is up to you. If you want, you can show the ad in the middle of the text section or show it again on the sidebar.
  5. Once you have installed these codes correctly, you are ready to move forward. Within a few hours, your ad network will show ads on your points.
  6. Your task is now complete. Now it is up to your readers to see or click on these ads and in this way they can earn some money for you.

How much can YOU earn:

Earnings per click can range from $ 0.01 to $ 50. How much will the advertisement pay on your blog depends on the topic of your blog, because the ad is related to that topic. Along with this, how much you earn depends on the audience or readers who click on those ads.

Tips for earning more: Find out where and what kind of ads get more clicks, according to your placement of your ad. Pictures for some blogs are more effective, so some ads containing words for others. So, as long as you do not get the maximum, please include both types of ads.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

In this way, you can earn good money from your blog. Here you want to earn by displaying ads for related products or services. You have to show reasonably in the selection of the products or services you want to promote. For this, you have to do research as well as analyze what your readers like. When you apply this method to your blog, then keep in mind that do not do too much publicity in this. Your readers come to your blog to read and share your blogging journey. So do not put away the publicity material before them and remove them from your blog.

How it works:

Put the advertising or link of your product / service of your choice on your blog. When a reader makes a purchase by clicking on these links, you get a commission from the product / service provider.

How to apply it to your blog:

  1. Select the product / service you want to be associated with, some popular affiliate networks like Clickbank, OMG India, Trutrack Media You can also directly link to websites like Flipkart, Amazon etc.
  2. Apply to be associated with your preferred website. Apart from other information here, you can also ask for information about the marketing / promotional strategy of your blog.
  3. Most websites will check your application and can approve or reject within 24 to 72 hours.
  4. Once your application is approved, you will be able to log in to your associated account and keep various links / ads on your blog.
  5. Check the related link / ad on your blog to see if it is working properly or not.
  6. Now you are ready to start earning this effort. Now whenever a reader clicks on this link / ad and purchases the product or service, you will get commission of it.

How much can YOU earn:

How much commission will be available on each sale, there is a lot of difference. It depends on the product along with the website. You can get commission from 2.5 percent to 50 percent of the total sales amount. Along with this the earnings also depend on the product purchased by the buyer.Such as, you have put an ad for Flipkart on your blog - If a reader buys clothes, you get more commission than the reader who buys your mobile.

Measures to earn more:

You promote products / services that are closely related to your place and your readers and make sure that they are sold. Although popular product is easy to sell, but there is less commission in it, so always look for products that are less popular but they are good products and can earn more commission for you.

3. Selling Your Own Products

There is no other way better than supreme control to earn money by selling your stuff on your blog. This is the most stable way to earn money from your blog because you have complete control over this process. By designing the product, starting the price and marketing, everyone is in your possession - hence you will try as much and earn as much money as you can.

How it works:

Prepare a product / service according to your expertise and then sell it to your readers on your blog.

How to apply it to your blog:

  1. Prepare a product / service from yourself or else prepare it for yourself. You can create physical products such as books, cookies, DIV kits, or create digital products such as eBooks, video courses etc.
  2. Set a sale price for your product. Decide how to deliver your product / service to customers. Can it be sent by courier or mail or will it have to be delivered privately? Also, decide the mode of payment - by PayPal or by bank transfer, by cash or check - you have to adopt a convenient payment method that will be convenient for your customers as well as you.
  3. Create a landing page on your blog that gives complete information related to your product. In addition to giving information about its features, its benefits and use, there must be a buy button to buy it.
  4. Promote your product / service in addition to your readers. You can do this via e-mail marketing, social media promotion, adwards.
  5. Sell your product and earn from it.

How much can YOU earn:

You can earn as much as you like. Since everything is in your hands till you decide on price from the price of the product, hence the earnings from this also depend on you. The better your product, the more sales you make, the more you earn.

Tips to earn more:

First research that what your readers would like to buy and then start designing your product / service. If you want to make something that your readers want, it will sell itself like a hot cake.

4. Freelancing through your blog

Freelancing through your blog
If you are writing blogs for some time on a topic, then it is clear that you will have great knowledge, skill and expertise on that subject. Freelancing is a way of earning money through its efficiency and expertise. If you have any invaluable efficiency such as designing or baking, you can make money by promoting it on your blog, as well as undertake such work in which this skill can be used. Even if you do not have any expertise, you can also guide new bloggers and charge them for advice. You will be amazed to know that a large number of people are ready to pay for your advice - such advice that you have been giving up for free till now.

How it works:

You give your expertise / expertise as a consultant to those who need it and instead they pay you. Alternatively, you can take projects that need to be implemented and in return you get the money.

How to apply it to your blog:

  1. Give a brief overview of what you want to give as a freelancer.
  2. List your services on your blog and create a fully dedicated landing page. Specify why someone will take your service on this page, and you will benefit them more than others, and most importantly, in your payment, let you know about how to get in touch with a needy person. And can take your service.
  3. Give your readers information about your services and encourage them to use them. Simultaneously, please also appeal to them that they should discuss your services with your loved ones and family members. In this way your readers will be aware of the services being provided by you and will use it if necessary.
  4. Promote your services on other means like advertising, social media The more you propagate, the more people will be aware of your services and in the same way you will get more work opportunities.
  5. Once you have any work, complete it in a complete professional manner. Get paid soon after the work is done and keep monetizing your blog.

How much can YOU earn:

Your earning will depend on what your level of knowledge is and how popular are the services you are providing. The price you decide - i.e. the earning potential is unlimited. If you are an expert at your place then your earnings can reach the sky immediately, you can work on complex projects so that you can earn more.

Tips for earning more:

Never underestimate yourself. If you can not decide the price yourself, then make a survey among the readers how much they want to spend for a particular service. Most bloggers are unhappy about the fact that they have not been able to sell themselves properly, and thus they are deprived of good earnings.

5. Advertise directly to your blog

Advertise directly to your blog
This is another great way to make money that many bloggers use. Although this method is very beneficial for some people, not so much for anything. At the grassroots level this method is similar to the Ad Network, like, you advertise on your blog and earn you from it. Although there is considerable difference in its implementation. Where you have no control over ad display and ad revenue from ad networks, while you have complete control over it. You decide on yourself which ad will display on your blog and what will be the cost. In this way, the advertiser contacts you to apply your own ads to your blog, thus eliminating the work of middleman (ad network) and increasing your earning capacity.

How it works:

You put an advertisement on your blog - when readers click on it, you get commission or you can decide monthly or weekly fees from advertisers.

How to apply it to your blog:

  1. Decide where to place the ad on your blog, place it (ad spots). You can place the ad anywhere between the footer, headers, sidebar or the article.
  2. Create 'Advertisement with Us' page on your blog. Provide all the information on this page to make it easier for potential advertisers to decide whether advertising on this blog is correct or not. Give a brief overview of blog readers on your page, on which topics you write, and most importantly, the price of your ed spots will definitely be worth information. Since this is your blog, you can decide the price. Remember, you can put different prices for different places. You can pay a higher price for the header banner and you can lower the cost of advertising in the middle of the article. Along with this, you must give information about how to contact you on this.
  3. Apply to join a monetization network where you can give your blog, your ed spots and their price information. This will also propagate your blog among other advertisers.
  4. Create a box like 'Advertise Here' for advertising on your blog. This will take care of potential advertisers coming to your blog.
  5. Some advertisers want to value your price - so you also get yourself ready for such possibilities. Once the price is fixed with the advertiser, run their ad on your blog and start earning money.

How much can YOU earn:

Since you determine the price of your ad spots, your earning potential is in your hands. However, generally, the larger readership, the more you earn, the more advertisers want to pay more if their products are likely to see more people.

Tips for earning more:

Do not place a 'Advertise Here' board for all ad spots. Put dummy ads in some major places. With this, when a potential advertiser looks at your blog, you have some psychological advantage. Looking at the dummy ad, the advertiser thinks that there are already ads on the blog, i.e. advertising on this blog can prove to be a bargain deal. Apart from this, it may come to the advertiser's mind that there may be an additional space left for advertising on your blog too soon and they may be deprived of advertising on your blog. Both methods can encourage advertisers to do business with you.

The five main ways to earn more from your blog. Making money from your blog is neither a rocket science nor a children's game. You have to be a little smart during the selection and design of products to promote. You have to make a little effort to increase the number of dedicated readers for your blog, which will ultimately help you earn from your blog. And most importantly, you have to propagate your blog among more and more people, in order to increase your earnings in the future.

Most bloggers write great articles, but they forget to promote it. A blog without a promotion is exactly like a secret diary. Only the blogger knows about it. The blog reaches potential readers through publicity and then it is popular among the people. So promote your blog, follow one or all of the above mentioned ideas and earn money from your blog.

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