Some want to start a blog and make some side income online. Others, to work regularly to avoid traffic jams, or to expand your business online, or to leave your 9-to-5 job etc.

I really want to help those people I know.  Therefore, I am writing this article.
How To Earn More by Blogging

Bloggers are making money online

If you search on Google for 'Making Money by Blogging', then one of the relevant search results suggested by Google is  "Can You Actually Earn Money by Blogging"?

This suggests that there are many suspicious searchers who do not know how much a blog can earn - because Google's suggestions are based on how often key phrases are searched.

So how much can you earn through blogging? To answer the question, let's just look around the Internet.

# 10 - Tuts +: $ 175,000 per month

# 9 - Smashing Magazine: $ 215,000 per month

# 8 - Gizmodo: $ 325,000 per month

# 7 - Perez Hilton: $ 575,000 per month

# 6 - CopyBlogger: $ 1,000,000 per month

# 5 - TechCrunch: $ 2,500,000 per month

# 4 - Mashable: $ 2,000,000 per month

# 3 - Moz: $ 4,250,000 per month

# 2 - Engadget: $ 5,500,000 per month

# 1 - Huffington Post: $ 14,000,000 per month

It can be done! Bloggers are making good money online, and With the right ideas and strategies, there really is no limit how much you can make online.
Sky is the limit! There is no definite figure You just need to be creative and smart to make money with a blog. People earn 5 It all depends on you

This leads to the next question ...

How do bloggers earn money?

There are endless ways of making money from your blog.

Banner ads. Affiliate Sales Produce and sell your own products and Sponsored review.

What is the best option?

Depending on the industry you are in and where your blog is, there will be a better way to monetize your blog.

Services are typically difficult to sell and therefore low revenue is generated but profit margins are excellent. Many top bloggers make a decent living blogging and sales services.

Advertising sales generate a lot of revenue (2nd best), but advertising vendors need to prepare a lot of content and sometimes require traffic, profit margins quickly fall short.

Affiliate marketing is actually the most profitable monetization strategy, which makes it excellent for new bloggers who need to generate income quickly. 

Sales of your products generates the highest revenue with great profit margins. Margins due to costs related to customer service, payment processing, etc. are slightly less than affiliate marketing, but high conversion rates are ready for it and make it the # 1 best source of income for bloggers.

To start

If you read up to this point and you do not have any blog yet ... you may have bump into your head right now.

Why did not you start earlier?

Well, it's too late to jump.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a blog. Read it first and come back to this guide later.

Okay! So now when your blog is ready and we all are ready to get started.....

How do you earn blogging for real money?

Some say that content is king.

"Make good content; follow money and traffic," the expert says.

It may not be completely true.

If the content is not low, the content is only 50% of the game.

Yes, as a blogger, it is our duty to create attractive content to entertain our readers.

But to earn money for a long time, you should have two other important elements - a profitable niche and targeted web traffic.

Profitable Niche + Targeted Traffic = Money

Without any of these elements, you will not earn more cash than your blog.

We will now see each of these two main elements.

Profitable niche

Here is a story.

When I first started my career as an internet marketer, I created an affiliate site to sell inflatable boats. Can you imagine how many people will buy inflatable boat online?

Even worse, this product is a seasonal product and sells only during the summer, so I was more limited in my sales. Site is not more than two sales averages per year. My site was not worth my time to make that site.

Lesson in: No matter how well your content is written or how beautiful your blog design is - if you fail to choose a profitable place, then you will fail to convert your efforts into money.

How can you find a profitable place?

There are countless ways to find a profitable place on the Internet. I will cover three ways that may work best for you.

# 1: Follow Money

Why are the most robbery cases in the banks? Because that's where the money is.

This is also to find a profitable place. We only search for industries where advertisers are spending bottled of money. This is the basic business knowledge. Advertisers will not invest so much unless the advertisements are bringing back positive ROIs.

Here are some tools you can use to find out whether advertisers are spending money (and more importantly, how much they are spending).

Search engine

Make relevant searches at your place Google or Bing. Is there an advertiser in your search results pages?

Generally, if more than three advertisers are competing for an important phrase - this is the right area to make money exactly.

You can then use Google Keyword Planner to estimate the average cost of the click for that search term and estimate how much you can earn per Google AdSense and so how much you can earn by selling ad space.


Another way to determine whether advertisers are spending (and more importantly,) pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is through SpyFu.

SpyFu, originally called GoogSpy, is a search analytics tool that shows the keywords that advertisers are purchasing on Google Adwords. I use it every time I need to research in a deeper place.

Commission junction

Another method which I often use to judge the profitability of a niche, is watching the numbers Commission Junction (CJ)

Log in to and search for merchants in the business you are studying in.

Are there any relevant merchants?
Are these merchants presenting good commissions?
Are these merchants paying their colleagues?
You can use network earnings (green bar) as a potential earning indicator.

# 2: Facebook

You can do a lot by sharing travel photos and posting status updates on Facebook.

The world's largest social media is actually a good tool to understand the new niche you are receiving. Learn more about your target audience, talk your competitors, find angles to deal with your niche, and so on.

I will display these tasks using examples.

Using Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups to Understand Your Own Fan Base

If you already have a Facebook page (you can make one before starting the blog, it's free), first place to see your fan base. Jump into the profile of some of these fans and pay attention to their demographics (male / female, place, married / single / divorced, age, etc.) and their interests.

Join the public Facebook group - Read users' conversations to understand their problems and needs.

Using Facebook Suggestions to Find Contestants

For those who have a Facebook page, go to Insights> Overview> View the page. This is where you can find and compare similar pages suggested by Facebook. You can click on each link to know the popular posts published on these pages.

# 3: Old School Keyword Research

I'm sure you've heard about keyword research so far.

Or wait ... did not you? Well I'm not killing a dead horse again, so here's a good read for the beginners.

Keyword research is usually done at the beginning of a SEO campaign. Its purpose, not often, is to identify frequently searched keywords (whether it's a short or long tail) and set the direction for the campaign.

What's more in keyword data?

But as most experienced marketers know - there is more to use than this keyword data. With the right set of keywords, we can better understand the following (as well as discover new business opportunities as well):

Level of competition

More search = high demand; More results returned in a result page = high supply.

Relevant brand and name

Examples: for cameras - Nikon, Canon, Sony; 
for Honeymoon Gateways - Maldives, Hawaii; 
For web hosting - IPage, bluehostst, hostgator; 
or celebrities - Taylor Swift, The Weeknd, Bruno Mars

Intentions of researchers

Generally, selling possibilities are more on 'Widget Reviews', 'Widget Model Number and Name', '10 Best Widget Brand', 'Buy Widget Online'. On the contrary, the 'widget history', 'complaint widget', or 'creating a widget' is less likely to change into a business transaction.

Commercial price

More advertisers bidding on a particular search term, have higher business value for that search term.

Back to Google Search

What if we do not want to sell physical products? You know - this is not a fun handling list and logistics. Can we just blog and sell ad space? To answer this question, let's try some relevant searches on Google and see if we can search for any advertisers or any related program.

Also, you will look at advertisers' marketing approach - do they advertise on blogs at the top of search ads? If so, what kind of blog? Can you sell ads directly to these traders? To combine the profitability of this topic, we can apply this keyword data to SpiegFoo to determine how much advertisers are spending.

To go deeper, we want to dig into organic search results (site back links, page optimization, social media share etc.) to see how hard / easy it is to compete in terms of SEO.

Decision: Small Vs Big Pond?

Now we have all the necessary market insights - it's time to decide. Should we jump? Is this a good niche? What would be a good angle to contact this niche? To get the conclusion I will leave it to you.

However, one thing is that we want to clarify before concluding this section - this is about how you decide on some place.

A lot of experts recommend newcomers to avoid SEO competition and choose a small playground when choosing a place.

They say, "Become a big fish in a small pond."

I believe in the opposite. You should try the big pond (high demand and many competitive search terms of the target) because there are viewers and money.

Targeted Traffic

still with me?

Now we will be targeting the main factor # 2: Targeted traffic

To earn good money from your blog, you have to draw in the adequate, targeted traffic.

Getting targeted audiences (and information about their desired service) has always been the key to online success.

The more targeted traffic your blog gets, the more money you can make.

This is simple math - suppose you run a DIY blog and sell handicraft art. Your blog's average conversion rate is 3%, and the average conversion value is $ 25. On average, for every 100 visitors, you will sell 3 and make $ 75. If the number of targeted visitors goes up to 200, theoretically six sales on the road and $ 150 will be profit.

The most effective ways to promote your blog

Before going into specific traffic strategies, let's talk about the big overall strategy.

The most effective way to promote a blog is to focus on things that are already working for your blog.

To do this, you have to:
  1. Collect the right data from your blog continuously.
  2. Invest in more money and effort in strategy.

Correct data

We know that data is important for the development of your blog.

But which one?

If you do not use the right web metric to track progress and fine tune your site, you can move two steps backward instead of one step further.

Depending on the nature of your niche and level of understanding, you can see different types of statistical data.

For the first time, Google Analytics reports may be overwhelming. So many numbers! And you may not be familiar with some metrics or concepts.

But fortunately, the truth is:

Numbers / concepts are not complicated, and
Honestly, I do not think bloggers should spend too much time grinding Google analytical reports.
Go Easy Your objective is to make better blogs for your users, do not spend hours after learning the technicalities behind Google analytical numbers.

Here are four Google Analytics numbers to track:
  1. Session / User Received
  2. Traffic channel / referral
  3. Bounce Rate
  4. Average time on page
I discussed the details in these metrics for the blog improvement guide so let's leave for now.

Let's say that now you have the data ... what do you do?

Well you put more effort and money for a strategy that works.

Focus on key winners and make the best of them.

Doing so can not give you instant boost to your blog traffic. But in the form of this snowball - magnitude will be bigger than many strategies.

Now that we are working with the overall strategy, then it is time to look at some specific blog traffic strategies.

1. Guest posting

Regardless of how Google keeps guest posting practices - this strategy works. Writing quality guest posts on others' blogs is the most effective way to reach target audience and build blog readers.

The key to success, as I have seen it, is finding the right blog - with real readers and social media followers. You can use fried or buzz sumo to attract popular blogs and influential people in your industry. Or, take a look at the comments section to see if the readers are chatting with bloggers or not. Always keep in mind that you are blogging for real readers (hence the quality of your content is important). Forget about posting on a blog with high Google PR but zero readers - this practice does not work anymore.

2. Crowd sourcing post

Crowd Sourcing Post is a great way to network with other bloggers in your blog and share the attention of each other's social media followers.

I have found (and many other people have seen) some good results through this strategy. This is the crowdsourcing post on Triberr Marketing that I've recently pulled in over 1,000 tweets in a very short period.

3. Facebook advertisement

Facebook is a cost-effective way to attract new targeted visitors (this is less as $ 0.06 / web click in some industries). The challenging part of Facebook advertising is that to succeed, you need to test many (different ad versions, different countries, different interests, etc.).

4. Syndicate Blog Posts to Other Popular Sites

Promote your blog on sites that syndicate content of others; Self-promotion, submissive, bribe, or blackmail (ok, I'm joking) the editor to accept your blog feeds in their syndication.

Make sure to link back to your old content to attract your new posts traffic. Many popular sites, including the WHS blog, have been syndicated to social media today and the business community.

5. Take part in the conference

Create new Blogger friends and promote each other's blog online. I do not particularly enjoy talking to strangers (sincerely I am very bad at that).

6. Blog comments

Skip creative comments on others' blogs (do not spam!). Write in such a way that people want to know more about you.

7. Forum Posting

Find relevant platforms in your niche (Google search "keyword" + inurl: forums), post helpful content / answers, promote your site on signature links, or drop links in your forum posts, but only when appropriate.

8. Google+ Community

Google+ works the same as the Community Forums - The key to success is to give very valuable information to community members in exchange for social media follow-up and blog traffic.

9. Offering free tools and free gifts

Everyone loves for free. After all who do not like to receive something for free?

However, keep in mind that not all free people are good at themselves. You need to offer something in demand so that you give the public a reason to talk and share on social media. Remember that its full point is about getting traffic.

Load those free icons? Yes - Freebase is targeted for the primary audience.

The free icons really gained considerable attention from the blogosphere, bringing new visitors and social followers. If you are interested, then this is just a few blogs that contain our free icons.

10. Twitter

Many bloggers wonder what happens when it comes to increasing their income. The people of the Authority Hacker have correlated the revenue with the group of Metrics and nothing came closer than the social Twitter followers.

If you want to increase your revenue, focus on joining social media and connecting with your content. This is your best shot to improve your lower line!

Some quick tips to increase your followers and direct traffic from Twitter:

  1. Tweet it often. To tweet your followers again and click on your tweets link, you must first appear on your twitter wall. To do this I use a plugin named, spend 20-25 minutes every other day at to interact with District Old Post and my Twitter followers.
  2. Really connect with your followers. A simple personal message is better than destroying 100x hundred canned messages.
  3. Be very active - respond to others' tweets, join popular conversations, and tweeting trending hashtags.