3 clever ways to monetize your blog

In this article, I will focus on three specific methods of monetizing your blog traffic for a long time.
clever ways to monetize your blog

Always keep in mind that there are countless ways of making money online. At first there are questions to ask yourself:

  1. What you can do to earn money (change your work)
  2. What do you want to do for long term.
  3. What skill do you have to offer the world
  4. What is your hobby

 # 1 Write and Sell an eBook

Write and Sell an eBook

Ebooks provide a ton of benefits:
  1. To make them, you only have the knowledge that you already have
  2. Payment eBooks make their rights as an expert
  3. You can sell them on many platforms (like Veerangna and Payhip)
  4. They can become a great source of passive income
  5. They can add your sales funnel as a low value offer.

Here's a process you can follow to write an eBook:

  1. Choose a topic. Your audience wants to learn something, but can not be taught in a blog post. Many people are willing to pay for this information one-stop-shop.
  2. Create an outline. This will help you organize your thoughts.
  3. Take the time to write each day. Do not become a person who starts ebooks and it never ends. Block one hour, two hours, 15 minutes each day - it does not matter how long it takes. Just write it.
  4. Transfer it to a good looking ebook template. 
  5. A cover design (ie. Canva) or pay a freelancer to it (a freelance designer costs $ 26 / hour average according to my cost survey)
  6. Photoshop your cover on a 3D eBook image.

 # 2 Promote affiliate products in different scenarios

Promote affiliate products in different scenarios

If you are already discussing and recommend products and services to your audience, why do not you earn some money from those you refer to?

It does not cost anything to your readers, and whenever they buy any of them, you earn commissions.

Affiliate marketing can be a great source of income for a little extra work. To include affiliate sales in your revenue, see these ideas:

1. Find opportunities in your current content

First of all, go through the articles you already published and search the products or services you mentioned. Once you find them, just go to each website and look at the "Affiliate" page.

Then follow the instructions to become a partner. Once you become one, you will usually find a unique tracking ID at the end of each URL.

When a visitor clicks with your ID on the URL and buys the product, you will earn money.

2. Find opportunities in the products / services you use

Make a list of each product and service you use. I use a lot of online software that is related to my business. It can be great opportunity for affiliate revenues.

Visit each product's website and see whether they have an affiliate page or not. If they do, then sign up for the program.

Since you do not have content for them so far, you have to create something.

Here I suggest:
    1. How do you use the product or service? Does it help to streamline your work? Does it help you with SEO? Does this help you reach effective bloggers?
    2. Create a blog post tutorial that teaches your audience how to get the same result using that product or service.
    3. Link to the product or service and add your unique tracking ID.
    4. Encourage that post to your audience, social media, and any online hub full of people who want the same results.
    You are teaching people useful information free and you are earning money in return.

    3. Find opportunities in the product / services that you want to use

    Want to use a certain product but can not afford it? What if you can make your money back in a relatively short time?

    If the product has an affiliate program, then it is a real possibility.

    First, make a list of the products / services that you want to use. Then visit their website and see if they have an affiliate program or not.

    If they do, then buy the product and sign up. Then use it, create a case study / tutorial, and promote your post to your audience as you did before.

    These posts can remain active for a long time, so that you can get passive income for the life of each article.

    4. Promoting affiliate products in an email autoresponder

    Email is a powerful marketing tool. This is one of the few channels people are checking every day and are ready to be sold in.

    An email is an automated sequence of autoresponder emails that are sent to people when you subscribe to your email list.

    Here are my two favorite services:
    1. GetResponse
    2. MailChimp
    Both of them allow you to set up an autoresponder.

    Like promoting affiliate products on your blog, promoting these products in email autoresponder can generate passive income for you.

    You can either promote them directly in the email or create blog post tutorials and promote them. Either way, there is an opportunity to cash.

    Here's a suggestion with your autoresponder:
    • Start your first few emails with useful content that do not sell anything. This will help you to establish trust with new customers.
    • Spread the relationship building in the email, such as asking your customers if you can help them anything. This will also build trust and cancel the membership.
    • When promoting the product, focus on the results that they can get on the product. If you have achieved results using it, then explain them in detail. This will do the sale for you.

    #3. Host Job Board

    Host Job Board

    Job boards deal with employers with job seekers. They can offer full time gig, part-time, or contractual work.

    For example, Problogger Job Board wants to hire someone to create content for companies who match bloggers.

    If you have a right to your place and you can match the job seekers with the employer, then you can host a job board and every time an employer wants to make money to open a job.

    You can also charge job seekers for access to the board.

    Quick Final Tips

    • The best way to monetize your blog: advertising, affiliate marketing, selling your products and services.
    • Quality of your blog content is important. But to start making money, your blog needs a profitable place and enough targeted traffic.

    Take Action!

    I am very happy, if it inspires you to take some steps and starts monetizing your blog using the strategies outlined.

    Here's a final reminder before ending this post: The result comes from action.

    Many people coming to me in the past used to have enough resources (skill, knowledge, time) to start a blog and earn money. But they failed - because they had more excuse to delay their plans and wait for the stars to align.

    I can only show you the way and remove some obstacles on the way. To be successful, you will need to walk on the road.

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